25 March 2010

family day

sebelum menulis dengan lebih panjang, saya ingin memohon maaf kerana blog ini jarang di update kerana kekangan masa... minta maaf kepada semua ye... =)

mungkin xsemua yang tahu, (tp sepatut nye semua org kene tahu) pada 6 mac 2010, telah dijalan kan satu event which is family day... this is the first time our club is organizing a family day... sebelum2 nie all we had is actuarial day out a.k.a induction day which is for new students only, tp this sem we make it a little bit different...

this family day is open for anyone, i mean budak actuary je lah kan, n no payment is made... it means it is for free... sape2 je yang nk pegi bole just bg name... tp sambutan agak xmenggalakkan coz bus yang disediakan utk budak2 actuary pegi sgt lah bnyk, tp yg pegi nye xramai, jd sangat lah mendukacita kn...

whatever it is, the family day still rock on... opppsss, lupe lak nk bg tau where is this event being held (sorry, my bad)....this family day is being held at Taman Pertanian Malaysia, Bukit Cerakah, Shah Alam... it is just near by je, n for your information, dah 3 sem kite buat event kat sini...

so lets talk about what happen during the event... pagi2 je bile the new students arrived, senaman pagi pun bermula... tyme sampai 2, hujan still renyai2 tapi itu xmenghalang the flow of the event... n after that, explore race pun bermula... it is just for the new students, in a meanwhile, the old students has their own event which is coloring contest... at first we thought that xramai yg akan join the contest because it is just a coloring contest kan, but it turns out ramai yang join sampai pensel warna pn xckup... haha...

and time petang pula, sukaneka pun berjalan... it is for all students, bole campur2 buat group... it is fun because we got to mix up with all students in all parts...

so why don't the pictures do the talking...

the organizer



explore race



explore race

explore race

senaman pagi

senaman pagi

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