17 January 2011

Actuarial Road Tour 6

Last Friday, the club had the annualy-held event, Actuarial Road Tour 6. This time, we went to MRSM Langkawi and MRSM Berseri, Perlis.

Saturday morning, we head to Langkawi, from Kuala Perlis at which we're staying. Since the event only took place until about in the afternoon, we took the opportunity to spend the rest of the day and went sight-seeing or shopping (for some of us) all around Langkawi. We travelled in smaller groups though.

On Sunday, well, I'll let the pictures speak for itselves.

An introduction from En. Arwin.
Our Pengarah Program..
The students giving their cooperation.
Nazrul interacting with the students for their participation.
Well done on Nazrul's part. The students seemed to have a good time.
It was time to get the program going on outside.
The students were then divided into smaller groups. They were supposed to only communicate between themselves to find their group members by gestures and no talking at all. These must have belonged to the Orang Utan group.
I'm assuming this is the Fish Group.
The groups then moved separately and find a place to have their activities. Some on the lawn..
While others on the pavement..
or even on the benches..
This group here prefer the greeneries and sat on the field, under a tree.
This group was comfortable enough to have it on the tars.

At the end of the program, a post-mortem was held for a review, as always. A few concerns were voiced out, but then again, no program has ever been that perfect. Hopefully, the next time would be better, and history wouldn't repeat itself. Overall, they did a good job. We even get lots of positive feedbacks from the schools. Apparently, the students were fond of us and enjoyed the program, so well done, facilitators.

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