24 March 2011

Welcome to the World of Actuary

Today, the club held a talk at Dewan Al-Ghazali. We've invited En. Jefferey Zain who is an appointed actuary to give us an insight into what it's like and what it takes to be an actuary.

The program was a success. Almost 200 students came.

For those who came to the talk, in the beginning, some of them might have think twice whether or not to continue pursuing the goal to become an actuary. En. Jefferey stressed that the exams, the professional papers, which you have to take to become a fully pledged actuary, are very hard. He, himself, have failed many, many times before he got to where he is now. After been through it all, the hard work and the effort he put in to achieve success in his career, he doesn't really recommend students to further their studies in actuarial science, that is if money is your biggest and only motivation. After all, there are other ways to earn big money. Even so, becoming an actuary have its pros. It is rewarding. When asked whether it was worth the effort and the hard work, he said that it was and he is very happy with it and found it to be satisfying.

And as En. Arwin have mentioned to his students, Microsoft Excel is very, very important. In the actuarial deparment, you would find yourself doing lots of spreadsheet for almost every thing. So, if you plan to excel in becoming an actuary, you must know how to use Excel.

That is some of the things that he said.. There was a lot more valuable inputs.

the guys're listening intently.

a thumb's up from En. Nazrul.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see several of my coleague is a lecturer for this interesting subject.
